Scientific report on conversion to ERA system Conversion to Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society, Environmental, economic and sociological assessments and […]
BERAS International Foundation ( was created in 2014 as s a result of the BERAS Implementation project.
Together with IFOAM (International Foundation of Organic Agriculture Movements) and the researcher network FQH (Food, Quality & Health) BERAS International Foundation took initiative to the Organic Food System Program (OFSP), which is a core initiative within UN 2030 program for Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Flowing from the work with OFSP BERAS International is facilitating and coordinating the establishment of the "Global Alliance for Organic Districts".
BERAS International in Sweden supports municipalities to develop Diet for a Green Planet and participates as expert in different projects connected to sustainability of the food system.
Together with Stensund Folk High School the course ”Diet for a Green Planet – Förändringsledare” (in Swedish) is offered to professionals in the food sector.
The 15 ECTS course ”Diet for a Green Planet - Managing Transformations in Local Food Systems” (in English and digital for international students) is offered by Novia University of Applied Sciences in Finland.
Senior rådgivare inom frågor som rör matsystem & VD, BERAS International Foundation. Tel: 0735627738 E-post
Scientific report on conversion to ERA system Conversion to Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society, Environmental, economic and sociological assessments and […]
Projektet Södertälje Sustainable Food Society (även ”Jorden, Havet, Maten och Klimatet”) arbetade med att sammanföra och etablera ett stort antal […]
Vihreän planeetan ruokavalio -konseptilla on tieteellinen perusta, ja sen kriteerit pohjautuvat tutkimukseen ja terveellisiä ja kestäviä ruokailutottumuksia koskeviin kansallisiin ohjeisiin. […]