That's why!

Food to make us feel healthy and consume only what the earth can produce in a sustainable way.

We are more than 7 billion people on the planet – and we have 1.4 billion hectares of arable land to share. That means 2000 m2 of arable land on average per person. This would be enough to live well, by a good margin, if we combine eating according to the Diet for a Green Planet criteria with Ecological Regenerative Agriculture, a cultivation method that:

  • Promotes biodiversity both in and above soil,
  • Reduces negative environmental impact of the Baltic Sea and other waters
  • At the same time makes cultivation a positive factor for climate impact by binding carbon into the soil.

In addition to our 2000 mof arable land, we also have access to pastures, fishing water and forests. Ecosystems produce surpluses and if we only harvest the surpluses, we don’t hurt nature. Through good cultivation, good management of wildlife, grazing and aquaculture we increase nature’s ability to provide surpluses.

All this means that we could live both well and in harmony with nature. Unfortunately, we are not doing so today. We waste food partly by throwing it away, partly by feeding animals with produce that could be food for humans, and we often eat more than is healthy for us.

Through the food concept Diet for a Green Planet, we can change this and eat both healthier and more environmentally friendly.

Educational videos about Diet for a Green Planet

In the four video clips below we go through the concept, the implementation process and practical work in Södertälje municipality and the basic premises for Ecological Regenerative Agriculture. The videos were produced in collaboration with the Swedish Institute within the project "Diet for a Green Planet Flagship".

Here you can see our educational videos about Diet for a Green Planet.

Helena Nordlund

Senior advisor, MatLust Utvecklingsnod
Tel: + 46 08 523 071 23

Latest update: 22 April 2021
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Diet for a Green Planet is a concept by Södertälje kommun via MatLust Utvecklingsnod