Diet for a Green Planet Flagship 2019–2020

Södertälje municipality has received SEK 500 000 by the Swedish Institute to establish networks for the development of the municipality's meal concept Diet for a Green Planet in the Baltic Sea region. The project will be conducted for 18 months and was launched in June 2019.

Diet for a Green Planet is the municipality's meal concept. It is applied in all activities within the Diet Unit and is also the foundation of MatLust's work. The concept's framework contains guidelines for good and nutritious food, the use of more organic and plant based raw materials in season, and to reduced food waste. It can be applied anywhere on the planet but gives different foods on plates depending on the geographical location and season.

"The entire food chain from production to consumption has a major impact on the environment," says Sara Jervfors, head of the Södertälje municipality's Diet Unit and the MatLust project. “Diet for a Green Planet has several guidelines, which when fully applied have a major impact on the overall sustainability of the food system. That the concept works well in Södertälje is a fact, and now we want to inspire and mobilize associates in Sweden and in other countries.“

The contribution from the Swedish Institute will be used to create a network for actors in the Baltic Sea region who work or want to work with Diet for a Green Planet. The target groups are other municipalities, private food services, colleges, universities as well as industry and NGOs. Through networking and collaboration, the concept can be further developed and adapted to different settings. The cooperation of these groups also aims to identify research needs and initiate new projects.

The project is headed by Södertälje municipality in collaboration with Örebro University, Novia Polytechnic, Finland and the NGOs Baltic Foundation in Lithuania and Forum of Organic Agriculture M. Górny in Poland.


  • Project initiation within the Swedish Institute's Baltic Sea cooperation
  • Project title: Diet for a Green Planet Flagship
  • Coordinator: Södertälje Municipality
  • Timeframe: 2019-06-17 – 2020-12-16

Maria Micha

Research related collaborations, MatLust
Tel: +46 8 523 064 40

Latest update: 22 April 2021
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