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Diet for a Green Planet in Practice

It is a carrying principle in Diet for a Green Planet that food habits should strive to align to local and particular conditions. It is thanks to this flexibility that the concept has shown useful in as different conditions as Sweden, Catalonia, Belarus and Dominican Republic. 

For example in Sweden it is encouraged to eat more root crops like beetroot and swedes, but also meat from egg producing hens, since these otherwise have have been wasted for lack of market.

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Sara Seing

Kostchef i Södertälje samt verksamhetschef, MatLust Utvecklingsnod
Tel: 08-523 064 66

Helena Nordlund

Senior rådgivare, MatLust Utvecklingsnod
Tel: 08-523 071 23

Hans von Essen

Senior rådgivare inom frågor som rör matsystem & VD, BERAS International Foundation.
Tel: 0735627738

Uppdaterad: 4 februari 2021
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