• Diet for a Green Planet

    The concept's five criteria

    According to Diet for a Green Planet the food should be tasty and healthy, organically produced, consist of less animal products, more vegetables, legumes and whole grains, locally produced in season and marked by reduced waste.
  • Courses

    Study Diet for a Green Planet?

    BERAS Internationel offers a course in English together with Legacy17. Courses in Swedish will be launched this autumn.
  • Diet for a Green Planet - a sustainable meal concept

    Watch our educational video

    Helena Nordlund from Södertälje Municipality and MatLust gives you an introduction and overview of the Diet for a Green Planet concept.

Konceptet kan kort sammanfattas i fem kriterier:

Gott och hälsosamt
Ekologiskt, helst från kretsloppsgårdar
Mindre animalier, mer grönsaker, baljväxter och fullkorn
Lokalt producerat i säsong
Minskat svinn

Why Diet for a Green Planet?

Diet for a Green Planet helps us to eat healthier and more environmentally friendly. Better for us and better for the planet.

Research background

Diet for a Green Planet is founded on research and experience from food production and meal preparation.

Converting to Diet for a Green Planet

Diet for a Green Planet is based on a holistic approach and can be adapted to different activities and enterprises or organizations, as well as geographical conditions.

Diet for a Green Planet is a concept by Södertälje kommun via MatLust Utvecklingsnod