Here you can read about the scientific background of Diet for a Green Planet. Here we list examples of research […]
On this page you can download material if you want to learn more about Diet for a Green Planet or need material and inspiration for practical implementation of the concept.
Note that most of the texts and materials on this page are in Swedish.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions of other material you think should be available here.
Here you can download a pamphlet that briefly explains the concept.
Here you can download an exhibition that briefly explains the concept.
Här kan du se hur man enligt Diet for a Green Planet tänker kring mat efter säsong. Skilda förutsättningar att producera mat gör att innehållet i pyramiden varierar över året.
Här får du en översiktlig lista över lokala och hållbara alternativ till produkter som vanligen importeras. Läs även här.
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Vi uppdaterar löpande denna sida. Kontakta oss gärna om du har frågor, ser felaktigheter eller har önskemål på material som borde finnas här.
Senior advisor, MatLust Utvecklingsnod Tel: + 46 08 523 071 23 E-post
Here you can read about the scientific background of Diet for a Green Planet. Here we list examples of research […]
Diet for a Green Planet incorporates sustainability in several areas. Climate Food production uses energy and causes emissions, including greenhouse […]
Diet for a Green Planet is a healthy diet, fully in line with the Swedish National Food Agency's dietary guidelines. […]